Friday, July 17, 2009

Mint Hill NC and the Chamber of Commerce

Credibility: You and Your Chamber

You’ve become a Chamber Member….a very smart business move, especially in today’s economy. To get the most out of your membership, it’s important that you attend Chamber events because people want to do business with people they know and find credible.

So how can you build credibility, and what will that do for your business?

After you’ve attended a Mint Hill Chamber event and met people whose contact could be mutually beneficial, it’s important to follow up with them. A great first step is a quick phone call or email just to let them know it was a pleasure meeting them and to remind them of who you are. This should be done within 24 to 48 hours.

If you’ve promised to share information or a contact, include it in the email. If for some reason you’re not able to send it as quickly as you’d anticipated, send a note explaining the delay. Then forward the information as soon after as possible, with a polite note.

One of the surest ways to lose credibility in another’s eyes is to promise something and fail to deliver.

Don’t be hesitant to contact the people you’ve met to set up a meeting. Most people are interested in mutually beneficial contacts as much as you are.

An important point to remember is that the first meeting is really to find out more about each other’s business. It’s not a sales call, unless there has been prior discussion about one of your products or services and the meeting was set for the express purpose of presentation. If, after exploring each other’s business, you discover a way in which you may be able to work together or help them, think about setting another meeting to discuss it, unless there is tacit agreement between both of you that you should move to a sales-oriented discussion.

Finally, always have a positive attitude and never speak negatively about competitors, members or people you may know. It could come back to haunt you. I recently read a story online about a salesman who spoke scathingly about his competition…to his competitor’s best friend. Think he landed the sale? You guessed correctly! To this day, that moment singes his memory.

The more people get to know you as a positive person who follows through on commitments, the more it will build your credibility, reputation and business.

Next Time: Moving from Credibility to Action Steps

For more information on networking, or business coaching, call (704-564-0807) or email Rich Ferretti at

Remember, it’s our Chamber, let’s make the most of the experience.

Best regards,

Rich Ferretti

Want more information on Mint Hill and Mint Hill Home or Mint Hill Real Estate, go to or Call Rich Ferretti today.

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