Unlike some modern small towns that feel fabricated or like a movie studio back lot, streets in Matthews exude a small town charm. Located in Mecklenburg County (about 10 miles southeast of bustling downtown Charlotte), beautiful Matthews covers over 17 square miles of choice North Carolina real estate. Matthews is comprised of mainly single family housing on large lots, making it very appealing to young families, retirees and singles. Matthews features a quaint downtown, plenty of quiet and attractive neighborhoods, a variety of churches, synagogues and worship centers, quality schools and daycare and an outstanding hospital and medical facilities. Add in a few great restaurants, some incredible shopping, and you have a complete and comely community. People from all walks of life find that Matthews is the type of town for them. Matthews has about 25,000 citizens, with a spectacular mix of unique characters. Families feel secure in Matthews, with the town having an extremely low crime rate and a highly-effective police presence. Naturalists and outdoorsman will love Matthews, since small parks and nature preserves are plentiful. Civic leaders in Matthews strive to maintain a healthy balance of quality and compatible development, whether it is residential or commercial, making Matthews a thriving community.
Mint Hill, Matthews’ sister town, was incorporated March, 1971 with a population of 2,284. In the last three decades, the town has enjoyed a steady growth to its current population of approximately 18,000. Mint Hill might be slightly smaller then Matthews, but this older town has special qualities that make it beloved by its citizens. The town has a longstanding legacy of community and civic pride, dating as far back to the Mint Hill community’s founding in 1750. People who live in Mint Hill work hard to maintain good connections with their town leaders and neighbors, and civic pride is incredibly high. The devotion of the town to their history and future is evident, as nowhere else in NC will you find such beautifully manicured lawns, pristine homes, and well-maintained streets. Within the historic town are many fine churches, excellent schools, and enriching social organizations. Mint Hill also has some of the state's most marvelous recreational facilities, including private and public golf courses and country clubs. First and foremost a residential community, the business district has shown intensified development in recent years with approximately 285 businesses and professional services available. This delightful town is someplace anyone would find relaxation and respite.
Want more information about the Mint Hill, Matthews and Charlotte area real estate market?
Check out www.minthillrealty.com
Check out www.minthillrealty.com
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