Monday, November 24, 2008

Do you have a business Plan.

Real estate is a highly competitive field. To become a top-producing agent you need to treat your real estate
practice like a business. In fact, the most successful agents run their business as if they are the CEO, and
they create a yearly business plan as a road map for their success.
Agent CEOs use their business plan to help them prioritize their business tasks and automate much of the
“busy work” required to keep their business going. This allows them to focus on what they most enjoy—
working with clients, which allows them to dramatically increase their productivity and earning potential.
Agents who plan out their year in advance, and then use Market Leader as their basic business system
have the ability to consistently stay in touch and build relationships with literally thousands of prospects
“automagically.” That means they can stay on track and maintain a steady stream of business regardless of
market conditions.
Because as surely as the real estate market has changed, the consumers have changed as well. Nearly 80%
of consumers today are searching for real estate information on the Internet, according to NAR. Yet the vast
majority of agents continue to spend their advertising dollars on traditional channels, such as newspapers and
real estate magazines. Many agents continue to do things the way they have always done them. Unfortunately,
they are still getting the same results they have always gotten. Today’s and tomorrow’s top agents are
marketing and prospecting almost exclusively online. They are spending their ad dollars where the prospects
are looking.

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