Charlotte NC Realtor
Rich Ferretti |

Helping clients for over 20 years!
How to Negotiate With Sellers
If you dread the negotiating process when buying a home, never fear. Your real estate agent is an experienced negotiator who helps keep the bargaining from becoming emotional and veering off track. Your agent must know your desires by heart and have quick access to you if a negotiation point needs to be made. It's important to stick to the strategy you and your agent have agreed upon -- showing the seller how strong your offer is. First, get preapproved for a mortgage loan. That means your mortgage lender has reviewed your credit history and
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Mortgage Rates  U.S. averages as of June 26, 2014:
 30 yr. fixed: 4.14% 15 yr. fixed: 3.22% 1 yr. adj: 2.40%
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assets, checked employment and income, examined your debt-to-income ratios, and has preapproved you for a certain amount, terms and interest rate


 What's a Fixture?
Questions often arise regarding ownership of property that becomes "fixed" or "attached" to a part of real property. Particularly in today’s times, property owners want to install high-speed cable modem boxes, additional communications wiring, wall store devices, wine cellars, exercise equipment and more, and then take them away when they sell. Is there any clear cut definition of a "fixture"? An early Nebraska Court stated that "fixtures are in the twilight zone between things real and things personal". Thus, the simple answer is that there is no clear cut answer. Different court opinions have issued different - and other conflicting - opinions as to what is a fixture. In layman’s terms, I think we can all agree that a fixture is something which initially was not attached to real property - such as an air conditioning window unit, or a wet bar which was installed in a house after it was built. Legal issues arise. The seller moves out and takes his personal belongings, including those which he had previously attached to the property and the home purchaser discovers only after settlement that the seller has removed them. If it is a fixture, it stays with the property. Thus, we get litigation. According to a 1982 DC Court of Appeals case, "in

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 7 Ways To Prepare Your Home For Summer
It's that time of year, when the sun is shining bright and all we really have on our minds is getting out of town to enjoy a beach vacation. But before you can enjoy some fun in the sun, there are a few things to take care of at home. Here are 7 ways to prepare your home for summer. 1. Get your air conditioner ready Cleaning your AC unit and having any necessary service will help it work at its best capacity. "Prepare you air conditioner for summer by cleaning it. Shut the air conditioner off, and clear away leaves and yard debris outside. Inside, clean or replace filters," said Safe Electricity. "Dust the fan blades if you can do so safely. Make sure air can flow freely over the inside and outside coils. It is a good idea to call a professional to inspect your unit early in the summer." 2. Change your filters Anyone who lives in a warm climate is on a constant search for ways to keep electric bills down. Clean, new filters work more efficiently, which can help keep cooling costs lower. Fuller Construction & Interiors also recommends checking doors and windows for any areas that need to be shored up. Proper insulation will help keep cold air in and warm air out. 3. Change the filter in your fridge too Summer is a good time to check the filter in your refrigerator. If it's more than six months old, get a new one so all that lemonade you make on sunny summer

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 Escape Water Shortages With Xeriscaping
In many parts of the country, from California to Texas, green lawns of grass are not indigenous to the region. To make them work, you need copious amounts of water to keep them looking their best. Non-native landscaping contributes to water shortages in some areas, resulting in strict watering restrictions, even in high-end gated communities such as Santa Luz in San Diego. The Santa Luz homeowners association requires that all landscaping is xeriscaped using only plants native to California. Water shortages are growing. Nevada's Lake Mead has reportedly dropped to less than 40 percent of its full level, reports LakeMead.water-data.com. Texas has reported drought conditions for the last three years. How can homeowners help?

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Call or Text Rich today at 704 564 0807. Email at Rich@RichFerretti.com
Rich has been helping people home for over 25 years.
Let Rich help you find the perfect home or investment property.
Start your home search at www.RichFerretti.com